It is possible to submit an account deletion request through the application.
We would like to ask you to please follow the steps below in order to submit an account deletion request.
▼Steps to request for account deletion
2. From the Title Screen, tap on the menu button located in the bottom right of the screen.
3. Tap "Delete Account".
4. After reading the content displayed on the screen, check the box to agree with the content and tap "Request for Account Deletion".
※Please note that after account deletion, you will not be able to recover the account again.
If you cannot perform these steps because you have already uninstalled LAST CLOUDIA, or for any other reason, please use the enquiry form under 'Other Questions' at the bottom of this page and enter 'I want to delete my LAST CLOUDIA account, but I cannot do it myself' in the enquiry details.
We will delete your account as soon as we confirm your ownership of the account.
However, please note that if your identity cannot be confirmed according to the requirements, we will not be able to delete the personal data associated with your LAST CLOUDIA account.