In the case that you have purchased the LC Pass for a different "LAST CLOUDIA" account in the past using the same Store ID, it will not be possible to purchase the LC Pass again.
Please follow the instructions below based on your OS platform.
【Android Users】
Cancel the current LC Pass subscription, and attempt to purchase it again after the expiration period.
【iOS Users】
Based on the specifications of the App Store, the LC Pass may be purchased for one LAST CLOUDIA account per Store ID.
In the case that you have purchased the LC Pass for a "LAST CLOUDIA" account in the past, it will not be possible to purchase the LC Pass using that Store ID for any other "LAST CLOUDIA" account going forward.
Additionally, even if you cancel the subscription for an old "LAST CLOUDIA" account,
it will not be possible to purchase it for a new account.
In the case that you would like to purchase the LC Pass for a newer account that you are using, please follow the steps below.
1. Create a new Store ID (Apple account).
2. Sign in to the newly created Store ID (Apple account) on the iPhone you are using.
4. Purchase LC Pass from the Shop.
※Please make the purchase after confirming that the newly created Store ID (Apple account) is displayed on the purchase screen.