"The Wandering Forest" is part of the subquests under "Badaal Rainforest" and to progress on to the next subquest, the right choice for every option given at the end of each wave must be selected.
【Walkthrough Hints】
■ You will be able to gather information from the subquest "The Mysterious Twins" in "Port Odal," with them telling you that "A pixie will be telling you the right direction." In addition, an item for you to capture fairies will be given.
■ There will be pixies in the world map, and by tapping them, you will be able to capture "Guidance Pixies."(Hints regarding their locations can be obtained from the subquest stated above).
■ Afterwhich, at the end of each wave of the subquest "The Wandering Forest," the "Guidance Pixies" will be illuminating the right choice for you to select.